Thought Leadership Marketing

Thought leadership marketing assists in robust brand building and enhancing steady customer acquisition rate. In todays highly fragmented digital economy, both enterprises and technology vendors are pushed toward diversification of their market and product positioning. Thought leadership embedded marketing campaigns have been instrumental in enabling them to not only carve niche positioning but also accelerate brand awareness and equity.

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Hyperlocal Vertically Integrated Thought Leadership Marketing Agency as a Service

The launch of newer services or technology products demands a strong multi-faceted stakeholder outward message to existing and prospective customers along with hyper local positioning of the overall value proposition at scale. Furthermore, customization of services and products to meet changing consumer perceptions and preferences are essential for a long-term competitive edge. Therefore, thought leadership marketing campaigns and programs are fast becoming consultative and advisory-based collaterals for the majority of enterprises and technology vendors to transform their business outlook and growth strategies on an ongoing basis. B2B thought leadership assets are one of the most popular marketing tools primarily for large and mid-market technology vendors across the globe.

Data and Insight Converged Thought Leadership Marketing Agency as a Service

Data driven thought leadership assets are fast becoming unique differentiators facilitating both buy and sell side customers to carve niche segment and industry specific positioning. Traditionally, thought leadership marketing firms have focused on building siloed assets (e.g. either based on qualitative or quantitative methodologies) resulting in the campaigns not meeting the desired ROI. SG Analytics has been at the forefront of combining both data (quantitative) and insights (qualitative) to deliver cost effective, scalable, and tailored thought leadership assets for the past 15 years. Our in-house primary (both B2C and B2B panel across 15 segments and 95 countries) and industry specific analyst capabilities have been instrumental in creating a strong value proposition.


SG Analytics has delivered thought leadership assets especially whitepapers, webinars, and e-books supporting customers across media & entertainment, telecommunication, ICT services, healthcare & life sciences and financial institutions. We have also been early movers in assisting technology vendors with their time bound (event) based marketing campaigns for their new functionality and product launches via delivering text, video, and audio-based assets.

We have been creating both messaging in (internal) and messaging out (external) thought leadership assets for almost a decade.