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Fund Data Services

Blogs | Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Data Analysis & Investment Strategies in Fund Management

Technology Enabled Fund Data Services

We offer a comprehensive data service suite from data gathering for creating ready to consume reports such as factsheets, newsletters, and performance presentations. The service covers review of existing processes to streamline the process flow and draw efficiencies through automation.  

Key Activities in Fund Data Services Include:  

  • Fund Factsheets – Comprehensive report covering fund’s performance metric, characteristic details, rating with visual... Read More

Fund Data Services


Deep Domain Expertise

Our decade long expertise and team of SMEs ensure smooth process transition/setup and ongoing operations

Automation Capabilities

We offer full-service suite for process standardization, automation, and enhancement to draw efficiencies and scale up the volume

Exceptional Design Support

Through our dedicated design team, we deliver impactful marketing materials

Who We Work With


Building a transformative technology and strategic roadmap remain as the key priority for the majority of organizations globally. This has led SG Analytics to be the strategic partner in delivering robust growth, marketing, sales, technology, and operational thought leadership papers to inward stakeholders within a particular enterprise for the past 15 years. We have strong industry specific capabilities across media & entertainment, telecommunication, ICT services, healthcare & life sciences along with financial institutions.

We offer a comprehensive suite of fund data services for asset managers.