Our tool expertly scans multiple global stock exchanges and company websites using sophisticated multi-level crawling technology. Stay ahead with real-time alerts for newly posted documents, ensuring comprehensive and timely coverage. Designed specifically for ESG research and data solutions, its an essential tool for secondary research that requires precise and timely document tracking.
Our tool expertly scans multiple global stock exchanges and company websites using sophisticated multi-level crawling technology. Stay ahead with real-time alerts for newly posted documents, ensuring comprehensive and timely coverage. Designed specifically for ESG research and data solutions, its an essential tool for secondary research that requires precise and timely document tracking.
ESG Research Empowered by Cutting-edge Technology
Boost Efficiency and Reduce Manual Research with Our Proprietary Document Monitoring Tool
ESG Research Empowered by Cutting-edge Technology
Boost Efficiency and Reduce Manual Research with Our Proprietary Document Monitoring Tool
Build your own repository of sourced documents for easy access and reference.
Receive instant email notifications on any publication changes to always remain informed.
Get real-time monitoring of documents from 19 global stock exchanges (with 100% accuracy) and unlimited company websites.
Our tool’s advanced crawling ensures no document is overlooked, even in unpredictable locations.
Track documents across various languages to ensure nothing is missed.
Build your own repository of sourced documents for easy access and reference.
Receive instant email notifications on any publication changes to always remain informed.
Get real-time monitoring of documents from 19 global stock exchanges (with 100% accuracy) and unlimited company websites.
Our tool’s advanced crawling ensures no document is overlooked, even in unpredictable locations.
Track documents across various languages to ensure nothing is missed.
Build your own repository of sourced documents for easy access and reference.
Build your own repository of sourced documents for easy access and reference.
Receive instant email notifications on any publication changes to always remain informed.
Get real-time monitoring of documents from 19 global stock exchanges (with 100% accuracy) and unlimited company websites.
Our tool’s advanced crawling ensures no document is overlooked, even in unpredictable locations.
Track documents across various languages to ensure nothing is missed.
Build your own repository of sourced documents for easy access and reference.
Receive instant email notifications on any publication changes to always remain informed.
Get real-time monitoring of documents from 19 global stock exchanges (with 100% accuracy) and unlimited company websites.
Our tool’s advanced crawling ensures no document is overlooked, even in unpredictable locations.
Track documents across various languages to ensure nothing is missed.
Build your own repository of sourced documents for easy access and reference.
We deliver timely and accurate document insights, ensuring continuous availability of critical data through sophisticated techniques
Input URL Health Tracking
Receive notifications on untraceable document websites, so that you never have to remain in the dark.
Cloud-based Document Storage
All documents are securely stored on the SGA cloud for uninterrupted access.
Custom Data Delivery
Choose from multiple data formats to receive exactly what you need and how you need it.
Flexible Delivery Methods
We support delivery via email alerts, API, and webhooks for seamless integration.
We deliver timely and accurate document insights, ensuring continuous availability of critical data through sophisticated techniques
Input URL Health Tracking
Receive notifications on untraceable document websites, so that you never have to remain in the dark.
Cloud-based Document Storage
All documents are securely stored on the SGA cloud for uninterrupted access.
Custom Data Delivery
Choose from multiple data formats to receive exactly what you need and how you need it.
Flexible Delivery Methods
We support delivery via email alerts, API, and webhooks for seamless integration.
How Our Document Monitoring Product Procures Documents?
ESG Rating Agencies and ESG Data Platforms
Get real-time updates on documents from stock exchanges and company websites without expanding your team or needing language experts. Stay informed with the latest data for your ESG research, ratings, and assessments.
Proxy Voting Research Firms
Receive first-in-market updates on proxy documents for portfolio companies, empowering timely decision-making during shareholder meetings with the most up-to-date information available.