Case study

ESG Management Reporting for One of the Largest Corporate Brands

largest corporate brands


The client wanted to enhance the quality of their ESG reporting by ensuring that their self-disclosure channels best reflect their efforts and progress in the reporting year. The objective of the research was to ensure that the client gets a clear overview of the gaps in their reporting with respect to globally accepted frameworks and sector-specific material issues.


  • As-is analysis of previous financial year’s report to identify gaps in reporting.
  • Gap analysis of the company’s disclosure quality with respect to presently adopted as well as globally accepted reporting frameworks.
  • Peer reviewed to assess quality and alignment of sector-wide reporting processes.
  • Indexed the company’s performance in the gap assessment to weighted scores.
  • Prepared structured insights from the gap assessment to help improve on data and statement framing and representation.
  • Indicator-specific performance commentary with respect to currently adhered reporting and compliance frameworks.
  • Assessed the client’s multiple public disclosures to ensure consistency and clarity in reporting.
  • Identified stakeholder requirements for the sector and inculcated the same in the company’s reporting.
  • Recommended opportunities for improvement in upcoming reporting cycles.



In-depth analysis of the company’s ESG/sustainability reporting to identify gaps and solutions.


  • Enhanced disclosure quality across guidelines, reporting frameworks, and compliance requirements.
  • Peer group review provided information on current trends and market requirements.
  • Identified upcoming and leading materiality topics in the sector and the company’s preparedness for its reporting.


  • Analysis of gaps in ESG disclosures.
  • Review of performance of peers on key material indicators.
  • Structured insights to address shortfalls in reporting on key global reporting frameworks.
  • Preparedness in reporting to help address present and upcoming compliance requirements.

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